
Hot Girls Make Great Clothes

If you operate in an industry littered with accusations and actual accounts of the women workers who make your products being exploited financially and sexually, why in the world would you make such ads?

I don’t have a clue where Ecko jeans are made, but I highly doubt that the skimpily clad women featured in these videos actually make the jeans. I’ve spent months talking with women garment workers around the world and I’m utterly insulted by these ads. In Bangladesh, Arifa, a single mother, works hard so she doesn’t have to ship another son off to Saudi Arabia to work. In Cambodia Nari and Ai support 6 and 7 family members a piece on their paychecks. In China Zhu Chun tries to earn enough so her son can go to college.

Attacking organizers at the RNC

Most of you have heard the clip from Governor Sarah Palin's speech where she said, "I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a community organizer, except that you have actual responsibilities."  But Palin wasPalin2web
joined in the organizer-bashing by former New York City Mayer Rudy Giuliani who said, "On the other hand, you have a resume from a gifted man with an Ivy

Finally, a Democratic Platform that takes Trade Reform into Account

Since its founding, the ILRF has been at the forefront of
the process of using labor protections embedded in trade laws to fight for
workers around the globe. We’ve used the Generalized System of Preferences
(GSP) and other mechanisms to provide incentives for nations to enforce core labor
rights and standards.  With two parties
that have but labor rights at the bottom of the trade agenda, it has been an
uphill battle.  It looks like the
Democratic party is finally taking the issue seriously.

Union Busting 101

Then we have the pleasantly-named “labor relations” law firms. Take Jackson Lewis,
for example, a 50-year old firm specializing in “preventive strategies
for the workplace.”  These attorneys use their understanding of the law
to help employers get out of allegations about tricky issues like “reductions in force,” and the “complex laws governing hours of work and payment of wages.”
Now, maybe payment of wages is more complicated than I thought, but the
fact that this firm continuously stresses their dedication to
protecting “management rights” makes me doubt that they are
doing anything other than trying to find legal justification to cheat
workers out of what they deserve.

Words have Impact

This language that de-humanizes and
vilifies hard-working people has led to increased and much more heinous violence
against immigrants.  In Pennsylvania, three teens are on trial for
beating an immigrant to death.  And this is not an isolated incident. According to a recent article in the
Chicago Tribune, "With Mexicans
the focus of anger over illegal immigration, reported hate crimes against
Latinos increased to 576 in 2006, or 25 percent more than three years before,
according to the most recent FBI report on such incidents. Latino

Some realizations from my recent work in Bell Multicultural High School

Another moment where I realized
this is when we were discussing gender a few days ago. In the middle of talking
about how women are treated differently in society, and the multiple masks that
many must wear as workers, mothers, girls, women, etc., one girl starts telling
a story about her weekend. She is talking about how she met this guy, and “He
was like ‘Damn girl, you lookin’ good’” repeatedly. She said she was offended,
but then she realized he was someone important (I think a rapper?), and she was
excited. I asked her if this is something that should offend her, and she said
“No, I liked it”. After this, I made them go back to the exercise we were

Zimbabwe Union Leader in DC Next Week

The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) has continued its solidarity with the workers of Southern Africa by organizing a march this Saturday at the Southern African Development Community (SADC) summit in Johannesburg to support democracy and human rights in Zimbabwe and Swaziland and to oppose Robert Mugabe and King Mswati III.  COSATU announced the plans for the march at a Zimbabwe/Swaziland Solidarity Conference they convened this past weekend.  They are also considering a boycott of goods destined for Zimbabwe and Swaziland in September. 


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