Model Operational Guidelines for Wi-Fi Access and Fishers’ Rights on Distant Water Fishing Vessels

Model Operational Guidelines for Wi-Fi Access and Fishers’ Rights on Distant Water Fishing Vessels

Publication Date: 

March 13, 2025

The Model Operational Guidelines for Wi-Fi Access and Fishers’ Rights on Distant Water Fishing Vessels (hereinafter “Model Operational Guidelines”) provide essential guidance on how Wi-Fi should be implemented by vessel owners at sea to protect fishers’ labor rights. Some vessel owners are now installing Wi-Fi on distant water fishing vessels and beginning to implement voluntary access agreements with fishers. However, these measures often have limited or no capacity to adequately protect fishers’ labor rights. Voluntary agreements, while a step forward, do not establish the necessary protections to ensure that fishers have consistent and unrestricted access to Wi-Fi. It is clear that further guidance is needed to create a minimum standard for how Wi-Fi must be installed and how workers should be engaged in the process. Without clear protocols, vessel owners remain in control of when fishers can contact unions or loved ones, and they can turn Wi-Fi on and off at will.

In response, Global Labor Justice, in support of the Wi-Fi NOW for Fishers’ Rights at Sea campaign, has developed these Model Operational Guidelines to establish a framework for Wi-Fi installation and usage that ensures labor rights protections for all fishers. While originally developed with the Taiwanese distant water fleet in mind, the Model Op- Operational Guidelines have been adapted to apply to all distant water fleets. They set out the specific requirements for providing guaranteed and consistent Wi-Fi access, empowering fishers to exercise their rights, including freedom of association and the ability to report grievances. By implementing these guidelines, vessel owners can contribute to better protecting fishers’ welfare and upholding their fundamental labor rights.
