January, 2009. After nine years of struggle and the Second Circuit Court of Appeals’ solid affirmation of the garment manufacturer’s responsibility for unpaid wages of its subcontractor’s employees, immigrant garment workers will have their day in court in a trial which began in the Southern District of New York last week.
(Washington, D.C.) – Today, NAACP Chairman Julian Bond and Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa asked Major League Baseball (MLB) to intervene with the MLB’s exclusive on-field cap manufacturer, New Era Cap, in an effort to end racial discrimination and worker rights violations in New Era’s distribution center in Mobile, Alabama. The NAACP also released today its report of the investigation it recently undertook at the request of workers at the facility.
After a lengthy strike by workers on a rubber plantation owned by the Firestone Natural Rubber Company in Liberia, the Supreme Court of Liberia ruled today that recent union elections held in July 2007 on the plantation were indeed legitimate. The first free, fair and independent union elections to take place on the plantation in its 81 year history in Liberia ushered in a new union leadership, but the previous company-controlled union challenged the elections through the legal system.
The International Labor Rights Forum condemns General Pervez Musharraf’s declaration of a state of emergency in Pakistan. In recent days, Pakistan’s government has detained, beaten and tear-gassed opposition party leaders, lawyers and human rights advocates and has clamped down on the media. Of particular concern to ILRF are Musharraf’s assaults on labor organizations and workers’ rights.
On the second anniversary of the “21st Century Leadership” speech made by Mr. Lee Scott, Wal-Mart CEO, the International Labor Rights Forum (ILRF) releases its research report on the Ethical Standards and Working Conditions in Wal-Mart’s Supply Chain. In an effort to raise awareness and educate people about the harsh working conditions that many Wal-Mart worker’s suffer worldwide, ILRF conducted an analysis compiling information from Wal-Mart’s Ethical Standards Program from 2003 through 2006.
Over 40 organizations and fair trade companies release new statement on ethical cocoa sourcing
The International Labor Rights Forum (ILRF) and Global Exchange congratulated Cargill today on their new agreement to certify its cocoa beans to the farm level in West Africa. This week, Cargill, Heinz Benelux, Ahold, UTZ Certified, Solidaridad and Oxfam Novib announced a new certification program to ensure to the farm level that cocoa is grown in a sustainable manner in Ivory Coast.
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. released its 2006 Report on Ethical Sourcing today, touting increased factory audits and “new approaches” to guaranteeing basic labor rights for its massive workforce.
WASHINGTON, DC: The International Labor Rights Forum (ILRF) filed a petition against the Philippines under the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) program on Friday, June 22. The complaint submitted to the Office of the United States Trade Representative alleges that the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) systematically denies workers the rights of freedom of association, the right to organize
Concerns raised about safety of key witness in Drummond trial
The International Labor Rights Fund (ILRF) welcomes the announcement that law enforcement officials in Colombia will investigate the murder of three trade union leaders working at a coal mine owned by US-based Drummond after allegations that company officials paid right-wing paramilitaries to conduct the assassinations.
Says US-Colombia Free Trade Agreement will not protect rights of women workers
Beatriz Fuentes, a 29-year-old mother of two with nine years of work experience in Colombian rose plantations, is in the US for Valentine’s Day to share with consumers her first hand account of the issues facing women workers.
Washington, DC: Brian Campbell, Staff Attorney for the International Labor Rights Fund (ILRF) was detained at an airport in Manila on December 6, 2006 and denied access to the country because of his support for Filipino human rights activists.
A human rights lawyer from New Zealand was able to get into the country to take part in protest actions at the ASEAN Summit in Cebu starting Sunday, ANC's The World Tonight reported Thursday.
“I would rather be called a terrorist than be cowed into silence,” said Jane Kelsey of the Action Research and Education Network who flew into Cebu to add her voice to the anti-ASEAN protests.
Kelsey feels the summit is focusing too much on broad economic and political issues and neglecting the plight of laborers and small workers.